What To Do When Your Hot Water Heater Leaks

What To Do When Your Hot Water Heater Leaks

Water heaters, whether gas or electric, will last about 8 to 12 years if you make sure to take good care of them. However, there is always a chance that before this point your water heater could leak. So what to do when your hot water leaks? Well, our friends at Five...
6 Signs Your Well Water is Running Dry

6 Signs Your Well Water is Running Dry

It is easy to take your well for granted. After all, a well that taps into a good aquifer can provide clean and cool water for generations down the line. However, drought seasons can cause your water level to potentially decrease. Add to that regular use and frequent...
How to Flush a Toilet With No Running Water

How to Flush a Toilet With No Running Water

Your toilet does not require any electricity to operate. It can run even if the power is off. Keeping that in mind, a toilet requires water to function properly–which could leave you in a tricky situation if your water is temporarily turned off. In this guide with the...
Why is my Garbage Disposal Leaking?

Why is my Garbage Disposal Leaking?

Having a garbage disposal allows you to dispose of (select) food waste conveniently in your sink. Even with this extra convenience, though, there is the possibility of it leaking. So, you may find yourself asking, why is my garbage disposal leaking? At Five Star...
Are Flushable Wipes Really Safe to Flush?

Are Flushable Wipes Really Safe to Flush?

Can you remember the first time you used a wet wipe instead of regular old toilet paper? It was probably strange at first, but after a few more trips you were hooked. While they might do a superb job on the cleanup, they aren’t exactly the hero we thought they were...